

You may be one of the first individuals to notice that something is wrong or that a student is distressed.  虽然可能会有情绪上的困扰, 尤其是在压力很大的时候, you may notice that your child is acting out of character or in ways that are inconsistent with their previous behavior.  

在困难的时候,你可能是一个资源, and your expression of interest and concern may be critical in helping your child regain emotional stability. You may also be in a good position to assist the student in accessing campus and community resources so that appropriate interventions can occur. Parents should be aware that students who live on campus may seek support from Residence Services 工作人员 who are living in those residence halls.


有时朋友会经历一段艰难的时期,你可能想要帮助. 以一种关心、关心和不加评判的方式接近这个学生通常是有帮助的. 具体告诉对方你担心的原因.g., "I am concerned about you because you are worried so much and have not been able to sleep for three days"). You can recommend that the person make an appointment to speak with a Counselor in the Counseling Center.

通常,这种人会因为有人注意到他们的痛苦而感到宽慰. 如果这个人愿意的话, 你可以帮他们打电话给咨询中心, 如果他们希望你在场,甚至可以陪他们去第一次约会.


学生还可以获得免费的, confidential initial intake assessment and/or consultation with the 咨询服务中心 in order to determine their need for mental health treatment and the type that would be most appropriate for them. 学生可以从我们的登陆页面在线预订这个预约. 您也可以在网站上找到有关我们提供的具体服务的更多详细信息 咨询服务中心.

如果你有任何问题,或者你想亲自和我们的辅导员谈谈, 请通过电子邮件与我们联系 counselingcenter@flcoastline.com 或者通过呼叫 267-341-3222. 出于保密目的,不要通过电子邮件或语音信箱留下详细的个人信息. 留下你和学生的名字和联系方式,以便给你回电话. 


A student who comes to the Counseling Center will meet with one of the Counselors for an initial intake assessment session in which the Counselor and the student will begin to determine what help is needed and how best to assist the student. 这可能只是在咨询中心的一次访问, 在咨询中心进行咨询, 转介到另一个校园办公室, or possibly an off campus referral for other types of intervention or more specialized longer-term treatment.


如果你推荐了一个学生或你所爱的人寻求帮助, 你可能还在关心那个人,想知道他们过得怎么样. Behavioral and mental health Counselors are held to higher standards than are other university employees who must abide by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). 法律和道德义务阻止辅导员与你讨论学生的状况.

辅导员甚至不能确认或否认学生寻求过服务! You may follow-up with the student and to ask the student if s/he followed through with your referral and went to the Counseling Center.

FERPA regulations prohibit you from revealing information about the student to anyone outside of the university. 这包括家长和其他机构. 虽然很诱人, you should not be discussing the student with individuals or agencies outside of the university unless you have written permission from the student to do so.

大学内部的交流也应该严格限制在“需要知道”的基础上. 你不应该向其他教员透露学生的信息, 工作人员, 教练, 或管理员,除非有令人信服的理由这样做, which is why so many faculty and 工作人员 seek consultation from the Counseling Center and/or 卫生服务. 的se two areas are completely confidential with which it is appropriate to discuss relevant concerns about a student. 无论如何,尊重学生的隐私是一种良好的做法.

如果学生在你转介后表现出犹豫,不愿与你讨论这个问题, 这很好. You may just wish to state that you wanted the student to know that you are concerned for their well-being and hope they are doing better.


Sometimes the person might state that they are not interested in talking to someone at this time. 有时,这是因为他们可能会觉得与咨询师交谈不舒服, 或者可能害怕谈论一个问题,因为它让人感到难以承受. 他们可能会把问题最小化,或者认为咨询中心帮不上忙.

如果不是紧急情况, 试着接受这样一个事实,即对方可能需要一些时间来选择与某人交谈. 如前所述,如果不是紧急情况或危机情况,要耐心、支持和友好. 你也可以向辅导员咨询如何帮助这个人. Your request for assistance will be kept confidential in accordance with the Counseling Center's policies on confidentiality.

鼓励他们从颈部开始做检查. ULifeline提供免费的信息、筛选和帮助朋友的想法. 除了, there are many other resources on-line that can provide additional information about helping others. Check out the self-help resources page for links to education and assessment tools for a variety of concerns college students often face. 你可以和你的朋友分享这些信息,一起搜索这些网站.


Counseling Center 工作人员 are available for consultation services for students and their support system. 如果你想进一步讨论我们的服务, 请让您的学生预约咨询时间.




在极少数情况下, if you feel that a friend or loved one is at risk to harm themselves or others or you are unsure about their safety and they are on campus, 可致电公共安全联络 267-341-3333. 如果有关学生在校外,请按下列其中一项处理:

  • 拨打911
  • 去最近的急诊室
  • Call Mental 健康 Delegate/Mobile Crisis in your community and ask for a welfare check (Mental 健康 Delegate of 费城 at 215-685-6440)
  • 给国家预防自杀生命线打电话或发短信800-273-8255)/发送“Home”至741-741. 这项服务是全天候可用的. 


  • Do call 911 or Public Safety if you have immediate concerns for student’s safety or the safety of others
  • 是否以不带偏见的方式私下与对方交谈
  • 让学生知道你关心他们的福利
  • 是否使用积极的倾听技巧
  • 是否验证和探索选项
  • 提醒我们可以得到帮助,这是力量的信号吗
  • 是否保持清晰一致的界限
  • 是否为个人提供合适的校园或社区资源
  • Do acknowledge and discuss the student's fears and concerns about seeking a consultation from a mental health professional
  • Do point out that a situation Does not have to reach crisis proportions for the student to benefit from professional help


  • 不要忽视不寻常的行为或把他们的处境最小化
  • 不要忽视有关个人或他人安全的警告标志
  • 不要承诺保密
  • 不要评判或批评
  • 不要把这个问题当成你自己的问题
  • 不要让自己超出你的时间、技能或情感健康的限制
  • 不要对服务做出承诺
  • Don't forget to call 咨询服务 to receive your own support and guidance in helping our students receive 有效的 treatment
  • 不要把学生的经历病态化. 所有人都会经历负面情绪,经历人生中的艰难时期
  • 不要答应给学生特殊待遇.


的re are several things individuals can do in times of great distress to relieve some of this distress such as:

  • 如果合适的话,预约当天的紧急预约

Same day session with a counselor for students experiencing high levels of psychological distress which is interfering with their ability to function, 因此, 建议由辅导员进行评估. 会议的重点是评估痛苦程度, 提供帮助来容忍当下的负面情绪, 确定所需的支持和治疗水平, 并协助获得额外的支持. 了解更多关于当天紧急预约的信息.

  • 注册Tao Connect免费在线治疗帮助
  • 用任何你能想到的创造性的方式记录或写下你的想法,比如诗歌, 音乐的歌词, 等.
  • 和一个值得信赖的朋友、家庭成员或成人榜样谈谈
  • 练习放松技巧或冥想(查看我们的自助链接)!)
  • 听一些舒缓的音乐,或者看一部舒缓的或有趣的电影
  • 锻炼或做任何积极的事情,比如散步或做运动
  • 色彩、绘画、工艺、油漆等.
  • 用任何你能想到的健康和舒缓的活动来转移注意力


的se online Mental 健康 Trainings and Referral Assistance to help you assist students in distress.



Take this Suicide Prevention Training to better equip yourself in responding to student mental health crisis. 的 问、听、转介自杀预防训练计划 is designed to help you recognize the risk factors and warning signs of suicide and respond appropriately.这个15-20分钟的互动培训项目可以在 询问、倾听、参考



TAO包括150多个简报, 有效的, 教育课程涵盖50多个与心理健康有关的常见主题和技能, 健康, 以及药物使用问题. TAO包括互动环节, 正念练习和练习工具都旨在帮助学生实现他们的目标. 

我们的 道页面 将解释更多关于学生如何创建帐户. 



十大网络彩票平台大全与ThrivingCampus合作, 让你更容易联系到校外的心理健康护理和福利服务. 这个在线目录包含有执照的心理健康临床医生, 他们中的许多人专门与学生一起工作. 您可以根据您的需求和偏好浏览和过滤提供商.


有许多资源可以为学生提供帮助. 除了咨询中心, 其中包括一名医生, 卫生服务, 学术提升中心, 学术顾问, 校园部, 职业中心, 残疾人服务, 居住生活, 和父母. 当你提到学生或你爱的人, 鼓励他们自己联系这些资源是很重要的. 虽然您可能希望打电话或为学生安排预约, 除非有严重的紧急情况或危及生命的情况, 学生自己安排这些约会是很重要的.
